Tuesday, January 20, 2009


In a little over 8 hours we will have a new president. Not only will it be our 44th president but an African American man. It is a beautiful thing to see that as a country we are slowly reaching new heights, but now is the time to look past the color of Barack Obama's skin. His skin color is not what will bring change to America. Obama’s strategizing and vision that he has for the U.S. is where our focus needs to be. I do understand that this is a VERY touching historical moment but we need to take it for what it is worth and remember it took a BUSH to get an OBAMA. We don’t want these next 4 years to be a continuation of what we already have endured. All in all be thankful that we have a strong man like Barack Obama coming into office ready to make a CHANGE. He has to hit the ground running and as a nation we need to support him. Don’t let the support stop after the inauguration because OUR journey has just begun. May president Obama and his family be blessed throughout the journey they will experience in the next 4 years.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


So i was reading this blog on Myspace and the title was "The true life of LA girls beware of them they are not safe"......

The title alone caught my attention, but as I began to read the content, it only lead me to frustration. It is one thing to simply to state your opinion but to try and push your ideas off on people is wrong. In the blog that i was reading, the guy was talking about how women from Los Angeles are a waste of life and that there are only three types of them. He said these three types of women are the groupie, the gold-digger and the hoe. To make a long story short he talks about how all of these girls are obsessed with celebrities and fortune. He said that they will do anything to get their 15 minutes of fame, even if it's layed up in a celebrities bed. In some cases this may be true, but why is that he only singled out women in L.A.? There is promiscuity no matter where you go, its the oldest job known to mankind.

Singling out women in any region of the world and categorizing ALL of them is pathetic. Not every woman in L.A. is selling their body or trying to get rich on someone elses ticket. I'm not from Los Angeles but I have family that is. And as of right now I do reside here and I myself am far from what this man that I have never met, describes me to be me. I go to work everyday and I am a young woman in college trying to eduacte herself. I have goals and dreams that have absoluetly nothing to do with selling my body to the first person that crosses my path. People like this young man are the reason why society lacks in many areas when it comes to portraying and treating us women.

In 2007 women made up 51% of those in the workforce. Meaning, there are more women out there working then there are men in high paying, professional, corporate jobs. So, please tell me how all women are a waste of life, when the majority of us are trying to make it big in the world. We women work in a wide range of careers we are engineers, realtors, school teachers, doctors, nurses and we are now holding our ground more than EVER in politics.

It doesnt matter where you live or where you have been, i guarantee that there has been someone walking the streets. If there isnt someone now, there was someone in the past. Instead of degrading women, why not educate those that you do know headed down the wrong path? It is wrong to categorize anyone because we are all individuals from different walks of life. For example, if we were to flip the script and talk about ALL men from L.A., San Diego, or Boston are all jail bait, low life, male prostitues, wannabe celebrities and pimps, then tons of men would be furious and would feel disrespected. We need to stop with the anamosity and realize that we all have potential. We need to stop putting people down to make ourselves feel better. It is an unfortunate truth that there are promiscuous women and MEN in this world setting a bad example but the rest of the world needs to be the change. WE NEED TO BE THE CHANGE THAT WE WANT TO SEE.


Thursday, January 8, 2009


So the name is Courtney Renee. I'm a college student trying to make it in the world and take every obstacle that comes my way as a learning experience. I love to draw, dance, write and do anyting that brings out my creative side. I have big dreams and will do ANYTHING to get to the top. I live a no holds barred kind of lifestyle and when it comes to getting to the top i keep in mind that failure is not an option. I love my family, friends and especiallly my boyfriend. Well thats enough about me for now..

So today is pretty boring becuase im stuck in the house and its thursday. Thursday is like Friday for college students and its killing me softly that I am doing nothing. Tonight there are plenty of clubs going on that i could be going to, but I most likely wont due to the fact that i dont have my car back. So all i've been doing is watching depressing Lifetime movies and over indulging in celebrity gossip online.

On saturday im going to the wild animal park with my future in laws and hubby. And then the week after im off to VEGAS BABY! I'm pretty excited to go to vegas and spend quality time with my boyfriend. I'm so glad that i wont have to see the oh so special people i work with for a couple of days.

I've been debating if im going to try and do a double major or not because i'm not too sure if communications as my major will be bringing in GOOD money since the economy is so screwed up. But thats a topic i'll save for another day... well thats all for now. Ciao!
