Thursday, January 8, 2009


So the name is Courtney Renee. I'm a college student trying to make it in the world and take every obstacle that comes my way as a learning experience. I love to draw, dance, write and do anyting that brings out my creative side. I have big dreams and will do ANYTHING to get to the top. I live a no holds barred kind of lifestyle and when it comes to getting to the top i keep in mind that failure is not an option. I love my family, friends and especiallly my boyfriend. Well thats enough about me for now..

So today is pretty boring becuase im stuck in the house and its thursday. Thursday is like Friday for college students and its killing me softly that I am doing nothing. Tonight there are plenty of clubs going on that i could be going to, but I most likely wont due to the fact that i dont have my car back. So all i've been doing is watching depressing Lifetime movies and over indulging in celebrity gossip online.

On saturday im going to the wild animal park with my future in laws and hubby. And then the week after im off to VEGAS BABY! I'm pretty excited to go to vegas and spend quality time with my boyfriend. I'm so glad that i wont have to see the oh so special people i work with for a couple of days.

I've been debating if im going to try and do a double major or not because i'm not too sure if communications as my major will be bringing in GOOD money since the economy is so screwed up. But thats a topic i'll save for another day... well thats all for now. Ciao!
